So....last night I was reading an email from a dear friend who mentioned he had read a comment on my blog....and I was like, "What's a comment on a blog?" I promise - I will get better at this.....I have made it a mission in life to learn how to post photos - and make this blog a little more interesting......I know for a fact that cancer CAN be funny.....and if I haven't already mentioned it- I am going to take TOTAL advantage of this thing.
I love you!!! Have a blessed day.........:)
Daisy for Halloween!
14 years ago
Oh, if these people reading this blog only knew how truly funny you can be and have been, Becky. The off-the-wall questions you used to ask when you were rehearsing a play, the totally ditsy responses you've given to European tour guides, the time you mistook a small hill for the Swiss Alps, the time you talked a vendor in Pisa out of a new shirt because he liked the color of your eyes, the really horrible things you wrote about your dear sweet sponsor one day in your travel journal, your film debut shaving your legs while taking a bath....okay, that's enough to keep your children asking questions for the rest of the week. Of course one of the joys in being funny is KNOWING that you're funny, and being Becky, you're still working on that part.
Love you!
I know how funny you are....we have laughed so often about so many things. I was thinking the other day about how long we have known each other. Awesome! Just wanted you to know that I pray for you and your family. Love you tons sister!
Ken stopped by my classroom last week to totally disrupt (hope you are reading this, KB!) my class and he told me about your cancer. You know we have talked in the past about how we have always looked at each other as role models for handling adversity - God put us in each other's lives for a reason! You are right that you will be fine - but you are also right that the road may be a little rough along the way. Remember, you are not your mother just as I am not my mother - medicine and knowledge have come a long way since this disease took them - and now you don't fight it, you BEAT it! I remember once the oncologist telling my mother he wasn't sure why she was still alive and self sufficient because the tests were so terrible and he said he knew that it was something more than what he and the medicines were able to do. She knew that God was with her and holding her hand and she trusted Him and didn't let the cancer take away her faith or her positive attitude or her love for life. You have that same strength and faith - and you have a wonderful family to support you and to give you help and motivation and, yes, millions of little things to take your mind off cancer, like, "She has my doll!" and "But I need my new jeans and they aren't washed!" and "Who's going to take me to practice?!" Those girls and Austin will be such a blessing to you, even when you want to strangle them! I remember Lori Greene telling me once after her boys were born that she didn't know how I came to school and taught every day and still took care of three little girls at home. I told her that was why there were days when I was such a b----! (I don't swear either, but sometimes there just aren't any other words that fit!) But it was those little girls and Jack that back then and still today (not little girls anymore - Kristin is expecting our first grandchild, a boy, in December!) make it worth going through the bad days and the shots and the uncertainty. Your kids and David will give you the same strength.
As for David, it is hard to be the one who has to watch your partner struggle with cancer. Jack was diagnosed with leukemia in June - we spent a month in the hospital in Springfield and he had chemotherapy. It is a rare form and it is not curable but it is treatable. It has a long name, like yours - chronic lymphocystic leukemia - but it also has an easy name - hairy cell leukemia. His oncologist told him he had blood cells floating around that looked like Fabio! Yes, cancer can be funny, and it's a relief to laugh at it once in a while. He is doing well now and has been back to work for about 2 weeks - gets tired easily, but that could still be from the chemo or maybe the lower blood counts or it may be something that will go away - we'll just have to see. In the meantime, we have learned to appreciate each other and family and spend time together and let go of the little irritations that don't really matter. We thank God every day for that day and for all that He has given us. So I know David is scared and would rather be going through it himself instead of watching you, but your strength will help him and you have to be ready to let him help you. Remember that you don't have to be strong all the time - he can do that for you sometimes.
Okay, Jack just told me I was rambling, so I will stop. He sends his love. You know how much I admire and respect you - and love you! Be strong when you can and when you can't our prayers are there. Please let me know if there is anything I can do - you are already in my thoughts and God is being bombarded with requests for your care. Will check the blog to see how you are doing. Love you - Patty
I wasn't disturbing her class. I was enlivening it.
Oh, please!!! Becky, you remember how he used to "enliven" my classes when you were in them - walking into the room and stumbling like he was going to fall - it only took me 20 years to not react to that! Or "helping" me by running off copies for me - when the class started laughing in the middle of the test I would discover he had inserted pictures of me- or him - or whatever he could find - into the middle of it!
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