First of all, please note that this site is not intended to offend anyone. I am placing a disclaimer, "this site may contain content you find objectionable. If so, please laugh with the author - she is only trying to use humor to make light of a freakin situation...oops, sorry for the freakin'."
Okay - so, last night I got to forget for a moment that I have cancer - and do you know why? I was amongst family and friends at Adam and Kimie's wedding and reception - and I was SO HAPPY...that I really did forget...not for the entire night - but for moments I did - and that is great. While I am very optimistic and upbeat and know, without a doubt, I will beat this thing, it is certainly on my mind - at nearly every moment of the day......and, on the ride home................
I had a thought. When people feel strong emotions, they usually find an outlet - singing, acting, writing....for heaven's sake, someone, somewhere, at some point in time wrote a play titled, "The Vagina Monologues." I never saw it - had no desire, really, but now that I have breast cancer, I am thinking I need to get a bit closer to this, I can sing - I can dance and act a little, but I can't really write....but I know someone who can. My buddy, Ken. I was thinking - maybe Ken could write "The Nipple Monologues" and I could act it....or it could be a song and Ken could sing it - but wouldn't that be.....well, like totally weird? A guy singing a song about nipples?? Okay - so he can write it, and I will sing it.
This cancer thing might really work out, you know - Think about it - the nipple is much more interesting than the vagina...and that show made broadway. Or it made something - I remember reading about it.....
Nipples - that's the answer. It can provide a little "comic relief" when I am having a breakdown. Like this morning. I had my first breakdown - and it had NOTHING to do with cancer (maybe a side effect, I don't know). This is the story. I signed up Bella and Gracie for a swim meet in Godfrey - since Robin and Nelsie are home for the wedding, I thought it would be GREAT - they could see the girls swim..blah blah blah. So, I got up bright and early and ran into the office to get the info . I thought we would have to leave the house around 9:30 or 10:00. At 7:55, I am reading and discover that my daughters are supposed to be getting in the pool at 8:00am for their warm-ups....and we are at least 2 hours from the pool. SO, I call Robin and tell her the meet is off - get home, and have a MELTDOWN with David. He is so great - he looks and me and says, "Honey, I wish we had known this last night - we would have stayed in Springfield." In other words - there is NO WAY we would have gone to the meet......he holds me, confirms I am not a total loser, and we decide to get busy losing the 5 pounds we gained at Adam's wedding!!!
Oh well - I digress....back to the nipples. The cancer is located directly below the left nipple....someone asked, I told them...and now you all know.
I am loving you all!!!!!! Have a great week!!
Daisy for Halloween!
14 years ago
I didn't realize you'd started taking the drugs already, Becky. There's no other explanation for your total loss of sense on your blog postings. Do they offer psychological therapy? Sign up.
(But I'll have to admit, you have started a melody running around my head... sort of like Chorus Line. "One! Singular Sensation!"
Holy cow - can you imagine what drugs will do to me?? I have had several people tell me they read my blogs to read your comments!!!! I think that is AWESOME....I read my blog to read your comments (hehehehe!!) Humor and a positive attitude are such a great medicine...the positive stuff, I call that the Holy SPirit!! I love you, Ken.....
I love the idea of a play or mini musical! I have always believed art is a GREAT form of therapy. I would love to do your promo pix!
Perhaps it should be a duet with you and Ken. If I remember correctly from biology (and looking at my husband and 3 sons) boys have nipples, too!!! Ang
I wonder what the costumes would be like for a musical called "Nipples"? Might be the easiest show yet!
The nipples themselves would be easy, but do you dress the nipples? Do you put them in leather? lace? color or just plain white or beige? Straps or no straps? I think it could be more of a challenge than you think! This should give you something else to focus on now, Beck:)
Patty, I had not heard that Jack had leukemia. I am so glad to hear that he is feeling better. I will definitely add he and you and the rest of the family to my prayer list. Congrats on the grandbaby, too!!!
Ok....I am just adding my 2 cents :) Guys definitely have nipples too.If anyone was a "Friends" fan??? Chandler actually had a "third" nipple...surely that would make a good country song???My truck,my dog and my third nipple???? :) I love ya Becky!!! You are ALWAYS in my thoughts :)
Becky, the Nipple production is a great idea. The costumes would be easy- pasties.
I could see you and Ken singing a duet and having a witty repartee, you know, a little tit for tat.
I think we should give Janet Jackson a call and let her be the costume designer. THAT would get it on the View or the Today show!
I was reading this through the tears, I was laughing so hard. Just what I needed today.
If you have girls, you have probably seen the movie "Mean Girls". One of the scenes, shows some girls cutting the nipples from a girls shirt as a just made the girl more popular,then all of the girls were wearing nippleless shirts. You would fit right in!
Love you beck!
Here I started things off with a simple but useful comment and all of your perverted friends have.. well...look, I'm Presbyterian and thus easily shocked.I'm now going back to my prayer room with hot chocolate and perhaps Valium, just trying to keep abreast of this discussion. Glad I got that off my chest.
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