Wednesday, October 22, 2008

I met myself today

Have you ever ran into someone and, that is me? I had that experience today. A dear friend of David and I, Christine, had made arrangements for me to have lunch with a dear friend of hers - a friend who is a breast cancer survivor and went through the exact same thing I am going, listen to these similarities:

  • She is 43 and got cancer 3 years ago (although she wasn't certain of the she put it, it is a lot like childbirth - there are certain things you block out of your memory. I reallllly like her way of thinking!!!)
  • She is blonde (I want to be)
  • She is a matter of fact, when I walked in the restaurant, my first thought was - oh, no....this gal is too young to have had breast cancer....and then I found out she is older than me (believe me, she may be older, but she certainly does not look it)
  • Her mother has stage IV cancer right now - and has been a survivor for 6 years....that is AWESOME!!! I know where she gets her fighting attitude - it HAS to be from her mommy!
  • Fighter - I felt as if I met the woman God put on earth to show me myself when it comes to fighting cancer....we both look at this as a minor disruption and major inconvenience (but an opportunity for new booties...oops, I mean boobies!!!!)

Now, there were a few other qualities about her that I thought were striking.....her humor, loyalty, and spirit of giving....all qualities I was able to assess in a 90 minute lunch. If you ever have the chance to meet Annie, don't pass it up. I know that meeting her today will be a chapter in my life - a positive influence, a woman who has survived breast cancer and told is okay to not dwell on this silly thing. just deal with it and move on!!! Thanks, Annie.....God Bless you.....

p.s. There are LOTS of Annie's and Christine's in my life....thank you for helping me keep my eyes open.....

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