A couple of weeks ago I decided I wanted another wig - the first blonde wig I had purchased looked grossly like....a wig. Given I have another 4-6 months without hair, I decided a new wig was in order. So, I headed to Quincy with my friend Jill to make a purchase.
The lady at 8th Avenue escorted me to the back where the wig section lies.....sat me in a chair, and asked me what my natural hair color was. I started laughing hysterically. How should I know? It has been years since I had witnessed my natural hair color....so we looked at my eyebrows - and Jill found this wig. I liked the style - but the color threw me a bit. I don't ever remember having this color hair - but it certainly matched my eyebrows....so I said I would take it. The look grew on me and I have grown to love the brown wig. When Sophie first saw me she asked me what I was doing with Nelsie's hair!!! In addition to the brown wig, I decided to be a little bold - maybe get a long wig - a blonde, long wig! I may have just turned 41, but I feel like I am in my 20's....why not go for it??
So - the long blonde wig was ordered.....and last Saturday the whole family loaded up in the van to drive to Quincy to pick up the new wig....I went inside, the anticipation was simply killing me...so I went alone - I made everyone stay in the van to wait on me. I entered and was surrouonded by a swarm of young girls looking for prom dresses (great - no chance for privacy with this one.) I was, once again, escorted to the back and put in "the chair." The wig expert withdrew the piece from the box and placed it on my head. She immediately began to style it. Believe me - she is EXCELLENT at this....I don't know if she could see the sheer look of horror on my face, but she kept on styling!! She asked if I wanted to wear it out (lord, no, I was thinking - I look like an alien from Pike County...but I didn't want to hurt her feelings...yikes)...so I did...I wore this hideous hairpiece out to the van. I threw open the door, plopped in my seat, smiled at David and asked him what he thought.......no words or emotions were forthcoming. Yes - his lack of response was all I needed to confirm my worst fears. I was an alien....a mixture of blonde ambition from the 80's and a length gone ALL WRONG.......
Simultaneous to my entry to the van, Austin was sending a text message to my friend Jill....it went something like this, "Mom just picked up her new wig and we have a problem." He sent this before he said even one word to his mommy.....believe me - it was justified!!! David, after seeing the sheer look of horror on my face indicated that it was not his favorite look - and he was darned happy I did not like it, either.
I hadn't planned to share this story - but the look is so hideous, I thought I would preserve it for future posterity...or something neat like that. Since I have the right...I am blaming the long, blonde wig on "chemo brain." My kids can pull this up in years to come and.....laugh at their mom. Hey - I will laugh with them. How could I not?
i am laughing so hard right now I am crying! Beck, that blonde wig is the most ridiculous thing I have ever seen. THANKS so much for sharing...I have just strengthened my ab muscles from seeing that picture I am laughing so hard. :) I LOVE the brown wig and OH MY, it does look like my hair. Sophie is so freakin' funny! you look good as a brunette! It is SO much better than the original wig you have...I didn't care too much for that one. Love you!
Should we start calling you Barbie? Does that make David Ken? Love the brown wig. Save the blonde one for Halloween parties:) xoxo Ang
Nelsie's hair looks great on you!
I think Ang is right, Barbie would be a good name for you, however I love the brown one, makes you look
older and more like a mom.
love you sissy
It either speaks to the audaciousness of your wig or the dullness of our church service, but as soon as the final "amen" was droned this morning, a lady came up to me and said, "You've to got check out Becky's wig on her blog!" So ..I did..it was better than the service.
Uhh..I don't get it. What's wrong with the wig?
KB -Perry High School clas of 1969
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