Okay....I can hear it at least a hundred times, but I am a woman - therefore, I am vain. No matter what you say to me I am going to criticize myself. I had someone tell me the other day that was TOTALLY normal - it is a "female" thing. I agree with her...and I am so tired of it...but I am fairly certain it won't change!!
So, Saturday I awakened in my usual fog, unable to see clearly (literally - due to the benadryl, I believe), a wee bit tired, dry-mouthed, and ready to start the new day!! I stammered to the bathroom to freshen up and was stopped dead in my tracks upon entering the "mirror-zone." Looking back at me, much to my dismay, was the Blueberry girl. You all know her - even if you have never seen Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory, you have HEARD of the characters in the show....Well...on Saturday, I became the blueberry girl. I am going to blame the steroids. Heaven knows I do not want to blame the peanut m&m's....
Seriously - for a moment....I felt as though the gods of chemo were giving me a taste of what I have been seeing for nearly 5 months. I have SEEN people at chemo who looked....well....bare. There was nothing there - I have seen patients who I could not tell if it was a man or a woman....because of the swelling. Their expressions were filtered by the drugs they had been taking - and I didn't get it.....until Saturday morning. I have been popping out for some time. Believe me - I have 4 children who keep things "real" for me on a daily basis....Gracie and Sophie press on my stomach every single day and tell me....how big it is. I used to try and hide it - and now I have begun to embrace it. It is a part of this journey.....and, hey, who am I to take a laugh away from my kids? But what I really want to share with you is the wisdom of my teenager. It isn't that I don't listen to everyone. I do - and I appreciate and accept the love and support that is forthcoming. But I would be lying if I didn't say - there is something about the words of my babes that moves me. (Like when Gracie tells Sophie, "Geez, Sophie, do I have to slap you? You need to be quiet or I'm going to mash your mouth." Yeah - she says it...and she means it.....)
Austin and I were having a chat very recently (like...this past week)....it wasn't an out-of-the-ordinary chat...we chat all the time. Let's just say I am a mom who likes to know things -and he is a child who likes to keep me informed. Actually, he probably keeps me informed so I won't pester him so much....(holy cow - I really hope he doesn't feel that way)....Okay - back to the story. Teenage wisdom??? I, the mother, was a bit overwhelmed about looking like the Pillsbury Dough-Girl. Austin told me that he doesn't care what I look like - he just cares that I'm here. For that, my friends, I proudly....... go blue.
Thank you, God, for keeping this real for me - and reminding me that what is truly important is not that which we can see, but that which we know to be true and feel in our hearts.
Daisy for Halloween!
14 years ago
Now I lay me down to sleep
My guts so big, can’t see my feet.
This, for now, is the way I be,
Lord thanks for the child who see’s only me.
I know how close you are to Austin. Sometimes I am humbled as to how much wisdom our young people have. I am sure some of his comments take you to your knees in thanks. Sometimes Austin is wiser than his years, enjoy, it's hard to have to say goodbye to your oldest when they leave to go out into the world.
Thanks for a beautiful visit this weekend. We had a great time having your family over (well, at least most of you guys)! Keep your chin up. Only you see yourself as the blueberry muffin girl from Willy Wonka - we only see our beautiful friend and we love you in any form. Austin is right - we are all just happy you are here with us!
Love ya like a Sis!
I remember the day I too became the blueberry girl!!! Such a shock that morning when I looked in the mirror!! Just remember that all this will soon be behind you and things will get back to a NEW kind of normal! Because there is no such thing as getting back to the old normal!
keeping you in my prayers!
What a beautiful reminder to all of us. Appreciate what you have and whom you have it with!
Speaking as one who until the age of five was constantly mistaken for an Oompa-Loompa, I can sympathize.
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