Thursday, April 30, 2009

Where do we go from here?

Wow - sorry for the long delay.....I suppose there aren't a lot of you still following this since I haven't written in so long.....I am so sorry - but thank you for everything!!

My last chemo was April 14th - HALLELUJAH!!! I actually feel better every day. I sang a song with Sophie last night (Jesus Loves Me) and for the first time in 7 months my throat didn't hurt - I could actually sing a song! I can not tell you how wonderful that felt. And there are little blessings such as this every day.

I find it interesting that a lot of things have happened to my body in just the last 3-4 weeks. I had a horrific looking rash all over my arms. The remnants of it are still there - I actually think it may have scarred....and boy does it look lovely....and I have canker sores, numbness all over, and a few other issues. But all in all - they are going away and I feel FANTASTIC! I feel so good that I am not even going to complain about the fact I get no sleep. Yes - it is the menopause. I have night sweats that produce enough liquid to drench the Sahara. And when I'm not sweating I'm teetering between hot and cold. The bad news - is for my kids. Their mom is going through menopause and they get yelled at sometimes for no apparent reason. The good news is that their mom will not be going through menopause when they are in high school (the girls). I knew it was bad when Austin stood up the other day and left the room because he said he didn't like my attitude!! The best part is that I absolutely KNEW I was being a little contradictory...I simply could not help myself.

Where do we go? Well, I had a follow-up with my oncologist and he said if I was having a hard time dealing with the chemo being over then they could recommend counseling. I literally laughed out loud. I said, and I quote, "listen, I am totally NOT having a hard time with this. I am glad it is over. I praise God for the good reports. I KNOW why I am doing so well. I just want to know if there is anything specific I should or should not be doing." He smiled....and recommended a new clinical trial.

Now, you might be thinking - is she crazy? Of course I am, but that is beside the point. This clinical trial involves bisphosphonates, which are given to patients with osteoperosis. The drug is also given to patients who have bone cancer and they have seen some great results. I should start by sharing with you my inspiration. As you know, I have triple negative disease and my cancer would not respond to any hormones. Also, because of my triple negative disease, studies show that my best chance for recurrence is in the next two years. And, if cancer does come back it will most likely come back in my liver, pancreas, or bones. I will be on this trial for three years - and I have EVERY intention of NOT getting cancer again!!! And at the end of the day, this should help give me some really strong bones!

Thank you so much for continuing to love me, support my decisions, and pray for me. I can not tell you how much that means. I will be back....I have some photos to share with you of when Austin went to chemo with me.......

God Bless you and your day!


ken said...

Sorry to blow your excuse, Becky, but I distinctly remember you blowing up at me in Italy one hot summer day and you were a long ways from menopause. I mean, anyone who knew Patsy and Robin..oh well, nevermind..I'm about to get in trouble. But hey! Praise God! I'm claiming healing!

McCombs Family said...

Crazy excuses or not-you're still the Becky we know and love. Thanks for keeping us informed of what is going on with you. Looking forward to seeing you again sometime soon!

Nelsie said...

Ken, I love that you did not put me in the category of losing my cool :). Either you have forgotten about me or I am an angel :). haha!

Love you Beck...can't wait for our vacay!

ken said...

No Nelsie, I confined my comments to the sane members of the family. You had an excuse.