Friday, January 30, 2009

Half a cake

When I think of the transformation that has occurred over the past 41 years I am amazed. As a child, all I wanted was toys. As a teenager I wanted clothes, as a young adult I wanted....well...anything...and now...all I wanted was for my kids to give me a kiss!!! And they did. The girls went a step further - they went to grandma's house and the two older ones each made mommy a cake. As you can see from the photo - the chocolate cake was half- eaten before a photo could be taken.
But have no fear - it made Bella's day. She made the chocolate cake......and Gracie got to display it! I can simply thank of no greater gift for my birthday than to receive the love of my children. It gives me a glimpse of the joy God must feel when He hears His children pray - and say....I love simple.
Have a great day!!!


Nelsie said...

Gosh I love those kids!!!!

Angela said...

Happy B'day, Beck. So many days that kiss and I love you is all we need. Love you!

sis said...

Love you and those beautiful kids.
They are amazing.