What a GREAT appointment!!! Uncle Ed went with David and I (Teresa's husband) to meet with the general surgeon. I wanted him to listen - since he has a basic knowledge of medicine (at least his patients hope he does) - to what I was asking and what she was saying. I really, really like Dr. Hirner - she is top notch!!!!
This was the follow-up appointment to what I will refer to as "D-Day". I was diagnosed, and the news delivered, last Friday. She did a lot of talking that day and since I was in a state of shock, I didn't hear much - nor did David. But I want to kiss him all over again - in the midst of his tears that day, he had enough foresight to ask the doctor to have the lab results sent to Mao for a second opinion....that's my guy!!
So, today, I had a LOT of questions. To sum it up ( and I will NOT use medical terms - what a turn off!!!) Dr. Hirner is making an appointment for me to go to the Siteman Cancer Center (Wash U and Barnes) for a second opinion. I do not know when that appointment will be.....but as soon as I know, I will post for you!
Let me tell you what we know. We know that my tumor was 1.5 cm in size. If it is not in my lymph nodes, it is a stage I or early stage II. That is GREAT NEWS!!!! We will not know if it is in the lymph system until surgery - and surgery does not end until the final pathology report comes back...which means I may have to go BACK to surgery if the pathology report comes back saying there were cells present in the lymph nodes.....(and the report given during surgery says there were NOT cells present.....)
What else do we know? Well, I want the breast removed - and since it is my cancer and my life....it is coming off!!! While I am still willing to listen to what someone has to say, my mind is made up on this matter. I did a lot of research and reading this past week - the doctor even indicated today that they have VERY FEW patients with breast cancer who have a mother who had breast cancer at a young age.....my mom was under 40 (around 36) when she got breast cancer.....which is why Robin and I have watched this so closely for years. Keep in mind cancer in the breast will NOT kill me!!! It won't kill anyone....it is when the cancer gets out of the breast and spreads to other parts of the body that it becomes a problem. So, I say - take it off. I will most likely do a lot of other testing after the breast is removed....but for now, I want to take care of the problem at hand.
I could write a lot more - but I am tired and you must be tired of reading. I can not thank you enough for your thoughts and prayers....we feel them! I have so many "God" stories already....so I will share one......and let you go for today.
On Sunday I was feeling a bit overwhelmed. I sat down and began to talk to God (commonly referred to as prayer)....and I simply told Him that while I am so thankful for the many calls and emails, I just didn't know how I could tell the story over and over again.....I would never have the time...but I really did not want to miss talking to the people who care..........this was at noon......later I was EXTREMELY tired, but decided to check my email before I went to bed - and guess what was there??? An email from my dear friend, Kim......she indicated that she had an idea - she wanted to create a blog for me....so I could go on and talk about this - and keep everyone informed.....and not miss anyone!!! GOD IS SO GOOD!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Please pray for my family......and the hands of those in charge of my life right now. Thank you for thinking of me - I am humbled......and I love you.
Daisy for Halloween!
14 years ago
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