Thursday, October 2, 2008

Breast Cancer Awareness Month

For those of you who do not know, October is national "Breast Cancer Awareness Month." As David so eloquently stated....."Nothing like getting breast cancer to make you aware." I thought that was funny.

For, me, this month has always been an excuse to buy a bunch of pink stuff with pink ribbons - those who know me will tell you I have ALWAYS been a sucker for ANYTHING pink with the awareness ribbon.....I have a pink purse, pink chair, pink water bottle, pink undies, get the picture......well, some things never change!!!

David and I went to Quincy today - and my friend and neighbor Shelley tagged along. I used to work with her, so it was super duper fun to be able to actually CHAT for a day!!!! Dave got a suit, I bought some jeans, Shelley got some shoes....and then we went to Bergners. They have an entire section with the "pink stuff." And I think that I bought enough to say I officially saved my own life!!! Of course you don't have to buy the pink stuff to help the cause......but you can ALWAYS tell your significant is something we MUST do!!

A quick thank you to all who have offered help. Please know - I will be calling you!!! I am so greatful you have opened your heart - and I pray EVERY night that God will bless you as much as You have blessed me......

CONGRATULATIONS to the AWESOME Freshmen Saukee Football players!!! They lost tonight to QND 32-24......but they played so hard and I am SO PROUD of all of them ( a little bias towards #42, but I DID give birth to him, so I think that is ok).

The youngest Crews cousin is getting married in less than 48 hours - yikes.....we are very lucky to be getting a new edition - Kimmie Kilday is the lucky gal.....and Adam is the lucky guy - please remember them in your prayers as they embark on a new journey together.

Good night, sleep tight, and pleasant dreams!!! I love you.

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